How She Continues to Seek the Positive Through a Stage 4 Breast Cancer Diagnosis at Only 30 Years Old


This our 3rd year partnering with the incredible folks at Rastaclat. Rastaclat’s message is “seek the positive” which is a sentiment that we deeply align with here at KAB. This October, Rastaclat released their second Keep A Breast collection, which you can find in our Gift Guide! $1 per Rastaclat x Keep A Breast bracelet sold benefits KAB.

We love partnering with brands who set out to make a difference, from sparking positivity with their unique products, being awesome philanthropists, to their Clatlife spotlights, where they highlight creatives, and this October, our friend Philecia La’Bounty.

Philecia was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in April 2017 at just 30 years old. Since then, she’s been super open and inspiring about her treatment. She’s a model, an athlete, and an all around badass and amazing person. We’ve been honored to get to know Philecia ourselves.

Check out our interview with Philecia!

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If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

A dog, they live the good life haha.

How did you find out you had breast cancer?  

I was at the movies and readjusted my breast in my sports bra when I felt a lump that I hadn't felt before. I went to a free clinic and was misdiagnosed, several months later I went back because the lump had increased greatly in size, once they did another ultrasound, the sent in for an urgent mammogram and ultrasounds which came back positive for ductal carcinoma in situ.

Who was the first person you confided in about your illness? 

My boyfriend Brent.

Tell us something about yourself that people probably don’t know? 

I am addicted to cooking challenge shows, if I’m not watching them they are on as background noise, I love baking and trying new techniques.

After your treatment, what do you now make time for in your day? 

Work; I still work full time. I also make to have quality time with my friends once a week. I make sure to be more present in their lives, spend more time with my boyfriend, my family, and my dog. I try (when my energy level permits) to advantage of my day and be grateful for it. 

If you could be a superhero, what would your superpowers be?

 I'm not a big superhero kind of person but I would love the ability to help people in need, save lives. 

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What advice would you give to someone recently diagnosed? 

Be strong. Don't obsess over it. Don't make every aspect of your life about cancer. You are still you. 

If someone wrote a biography about you what would the title be? 

The life of Phil.

What advice would you give your 16-year-old self? 

Leave him and never look back, you're stronger than you know, don't let people walk all over you, stop caring about what other people are doing or saying. Stay active, be strong, be adventures, learn everything. Be happy every day and don’t take no for an answer, and get a mammogram ASAP.

What was the toughest challenge you faced? 

Breast cancer. Everything else was so temporary, this is now forever. 

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When do you laugh the most? 

When I'm with my brother or my boyfriend.

If you could go back in time to any event, what would it be? 

I really don't know. There are so many amazing events in our history that would be incredible to be a part of. Life is so full, I can't pick one. I guess any event that I could bring back knowledge of and teach true appreciation for what we have now. 

If you could travel anywhere where would it be and why? 

I've been to London and Japan. When treatments and surgeries are over, we are going to the island of the pigs to love on them, enjoy the beaches and the sun. I'd also love to go to France or Thailand!

Watch Rastaclat’s beautiful spotlight with Philecia!


You can find Rastaclat among our almost 40 other rad partners this October in our 2019 Breast Cancer Prevention Month Gift Guide! Our gift guide is the perfect place for you to find something for everyone in your life — or to treat yourself!