Keep A Breast Foundation

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These Rad Surfers Are Stoked on Their Boobies! (Most of the time)

Happy Valentine’s Day! We’re big softies here at Keep A Breast and we LOVE love! But you know what really warms our hearts? When women love their boobies!

That’s exactly what our favorite surfer babes from the Herewith magazine’s “Squeeze Box” feature are doing this Valentine’s Day. The girls when in-depth on what they love (and sometimes don’t) about their boobies in the magazine's 4th issue.Meet some of the rad girls below and be sure to get your hands on a copy of Herewith’s Issue 004 to learn more about their stories and their connection to KAB and breast cancer. Photography by Josie Perez.

What do you love/not love about your boobies?

What do these girls do to show their boobies some love? They check themselves once a month with our Check Yourself! app! Learn to do a breast self-check and schedule an automatic monthly reminder. Available for iOS and Android. Early detection is the key.